RTMI Buses Now Offer FREE WiFi Internet

BUKIDNON TOURISM | BUKIDNON NEWS | BUSINESS IN BUKIDNON – Bukidnon Online has been hearing reports about these WiFi-equipped Rural Transit Mindanao, Inc. (RTMI) buses but it was only this weekend when we finally had the chance to ride in one.

Yes, folks, select RTMI buses that ply the Davao to Cagayan de Oro (and vice versa) route now offer FREE WiFi onboard. These buses are the fairly new ones. These WiFi equipped RTMI buses that ply the Davao to CDO route pass through Bukidnon so if you’re taking the bus to reach Malaybalay City, Valencia City, Maramag, Quezon, BuDa etc, try to catch one of these buses that have free WiFi onboard.

As previously mentioned, WiFi access is free. To log in, all you have to do is look for the “RTMI (then bus body number)” network. No passwords required.


The WiFi Internet connection is fast although not consistent. Understandably, there will be areas where the connection will turn weak and will even get disconnected. But the connection is okay in populated areas.

And did we mention that the WiFi connection is FREE to use? That alone is pretty cool 🙂

free wifi bukidnon rtmi busfree wifi bukidnon rtmi bus

We do know a group of people in Bukidnon who will be happy with this development — the members of the Bukidnon Bloggers and Social Media Club! 🙂 Speaking of Bukidnon Bloggers, you have to join them as they have so many exciting events and activities coming up!

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