Tag Archives: malaybalay updates

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Bukidnon honors ‘womenpreneurs’

Three self-made businesswomen’s group from different towns emerged as winners in the recently-concluded search for most successful women entrepreneurs of Bukidnon. Declared winners were Damulog Women’s Federation, Impasug-ong Women’s Organization and Pangantucan Women’s Federation, which garnered first, second and third places, respectively. From selling “puto,”

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How is it to fight against a Goliath?

COMMENTARY | BUKIDNON | OPINION | PERSONALITIES | POLITICS – “How is it to fight against a Goliath?” This was BukidnonOnline.com‘s question to Malaybalay City mayoralty hopeful Provo “Jun” Antipasado. Antipasado, a former long-time Malaybalay City Councilor and currently a chairman of one of this

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